Friday, March 15, 2013

How To RESET Windows Password Without Any Software

10:12 am

Its never Fun when You forget your password . It happens sometimes and the only option always come to peoples mind at times "Even Technicians sometimes" is to reformat there Operating systems which may results on loss of lots of data
There are various tools available over the web that could help you recover lost passwords but most of them are costly which cant be afforded
Today I will show you how to change the Administrator password easy which might take you only 5min to 10min to without knowing the current password ..

We need to have a windows bootable cd only .

  1. Insert the CD and Boot Your system from your windowd Disk and select the “Repair your computer” option from the lower left-hand corner.
  2. Follow the Instruction and when The repair window pops up select repair from Command prompt

  • Type in the below command into the Command prompt to copy the sethc.exe
    copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
    Here we will be backing up the original sethc.exe which is the shiftkey application that pops up whenever you press shift key 5 times. Instead of this app to pop up we want the command prompt to pop up    

  • Now type the following command to copy the cmd.exe over the top of sethc.exe
    copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
  • Then Reboot the PC normal to reset the password

  • After the Pc boots Up to login Screen Hit shift key 5 times to bring up the command prompt
  • To reset the Password Just type the following command

    net user roby thenewpassowrd

    Where by "roby" is the current user name and "thenewpassword" is the password you would like to log with
    Close the Command prompt then Log in with your new password

    You Can even do This when you are using the administrators password and you are afraid to log off because you dont have the password and wont be able to log in again ..
    Type the below commands
    Click Start type cmd then right click and run as administrator

    type net user roby thenewpassowrd in the command prompt and Click Enter

    change "roby" and "thenewpassword" as instructed above and there you will have the new password without knowing the current password of the computer



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