Sunday, March 17, 2013

Be Notified with an Email and a Face of The Person Using your Computer

5:53 pm

Are you having worries that Someone has been using your computer on times when you away ..

Probably you Just out or stepped out to have launch and worrying that some one has jumped in and he/she is stealing your informations and  documents from your computer ..

Catch Him/ Her easly with  MouseLock ...

Ofcose  you will need a webcam on your computer in order to see His/Her Face

You sign-in with your Google Account (they’ll send the alert to your Gmail address) and then select a secret pin on the screen. Next, put your mouse cursor in a designated area on the Mouse Lock website and leave the machine.

Now when someone moves the mouse, they will also have to enter the original pin. If they fail to do that in the first few seconds, Mouse Lock will send you an email and, if the computer has a webcam, it will use that to also snap a picture of theperson .

Mouse Lock won’t prevent the intrusion but will at least notify you the minute it happens. And best of all, this a web app and thus requires no installation.

It doesn't actually lock down your computer in any way, but it does catch the person in the act. You have a lot of options for catching people

Head Over here  Mouselock and Follow the Procedures above


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