Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How To Find an Android Phone Before or After it has been Stolen

9:15 am

They are things that are so frustrating like Loosing a phone . No one ever wish that but when it happens  we get confused and panic quickly sets in . So in this article we will discuss on how you can still track your android and have it back on your hands if you are luck enough with the help of Ant theft programs .

Ant theft programs comes in handy on events of a lost or stolen android device . When installed they will remotely track your phone and send its location. You can control the phone by sending special codes to either ring an alarm , vibrate , pop up onscreen message , wipe everything or factory reset it . Luck you other apps can secretly capture a photo of a thief. 

Keep you phone safe
Some of the Best on market

Before going further let me clarify some things about the apps I mentioned above

     -- Data must be kept on all time
     -- GPS must be enabled in order to get location
     -- The thief must be dump enough not to Factory reset the phone.
    -- It must be installed before the phone is lost or stolen

What about a case where the device is lost with no ant theft program installed

If you have lost your phone or it has been stolen with no ant theft program installed there is still hope for you to recover it .. Having an Ant theft app on your phone is the best way to protect it but what if the phone is already gone . There are two best apps that can help you on a case like this .

Plan B :

This app can be your life saver . Install this after you have lost your phone . Once Installed it will switch GPS automatic and then it starts locating your phone using nearyby Cell Towers and GPS. it will keep updating the exact location of your phone after every 10 minutes. 

How To use Plan B : 

      1   .       Install PlanB from Android Market through your Gmail Account which should be same as one   stolen / lost phone was using .
      2   .       It will start automatical and send your phones location to your Gmail account
      3   .       If your sim card is still in to locate again send “ locate “ from a friend phone to your phone

Androidlost Jumpstart:

Another Hope from Android Lost project . This app is useful for tablets with no SMS connection but can work with other devices too . This app will wake up the registration process on the Android Lost app when ever a phone call is made, an SMS received, battery is low, a package is added, removed or changed.  

 How to Use Android Jumpstart

      1    .       Install AndroidJumpstart From Android Market 
      2    .       Then install AndroidLost From Android Market
      3    .       Wait a Few Minutes then Log in and sign in with your gmail account

If all goes well you should get a "Congratulations..." message indicating that the phone is now connected to the server and from there you can easily start controling your device


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